"One glance at a book and you hear the voice of another person, perhaps someone dead for 1,000 years. To read
is to voyage through time." Carl Sagan
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Change the past to change the present
I am continuing reading The Intention Experiment: Using Your Thoughts to change your life and the world. by Lynne McTaggart. This book is listed on the Old Sudbury Bookstore in the paranormal section. It is a
sequel to The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe. by Lynne McTaggart also listed in The Old Sudbury Bookstore under Paranormal. This part of the book
covers a very thought provoking phenomena. Namely the aiming of intentions at things that have already happened in the past.
In an experiment that was designed to try and disprove the statistical methods being used in this field it seems the exact
opposite was shown. Apparently if intentions have been aimed at events from the past that have not yet been observed there
is a possibility that the events can be influenced. A number of experiments using recovering patients and random event generators
have been meticulously tested. It seems that time is not what it seems. As Albert Einstein once stated "...distinction
between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion." Perhaps time is perceived by us in a certain
way that is not necessarily the same as the actual nature of time. According to Kip Thorne (Black Holes And Time Warps) we are travelling through time at the speed of light. To a photon traveling through real space at the speed of light time
doesn't exist since a photon is travelling through time at a speed of zero!
10:19 am edt
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Be careful what you wish for...
I am continuing reading The Intention Experiment: Using Your Thoughts to change your life and the world. by Lynne McTaggart. This book is listed on the Old Sudbury Bookstore in the paranormal section. It is a
sequel to The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe. by Lynne McTaggart also listed in The Old Sudbury Bookstore under Paranormal. This is an extremely
intriguing book. I keep on checking to make sure it is not fiction. This is a good sign. I usually have to check every-time
I read a theoretical physics book. It is well referenced and presents a balanced view of not only the experiments that were
successful but also the failures and how we may learn from these. The book's main hypothesis revolves around the idea
of remote healing through intentions. This may seem far fetched but as Ms. McTaggart shows in her book The Intention Experiment;
there are many very serious scientists exploring its realm. If you are not familiar with intention I will give a very brief
explanation. A healer or anybody can concentrate on an outcome that they wish will happen. It can be an ill person that you
wish to get well, a plant that you want to grow better, bacteria in a petri dish, or in the most recent example I am reading
about: fruit-fly metabolism etc etc. I just got to a fascinating section in the book about containing intentions inside a
special electronic device. The device once placed in a lab seemed to not only drive the intentions placed within it (very
specifically to increase fruit-fly metabolism) but it also seemed to change some fundamental characteristic of the lab in
its vicinity. The lab had very strange cycling in temperature and water in the room also fluctuated in PH levels. The control
that had the exact same device without intentions did not change. The description of this experiment was extremely well done.
The entire book so far has been a real mind expander! -sak.
8:56 pm edt
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Think positive thoughts you may change the world!
I have just started reading The Intention Experiment: Using Your Thoughts to change your life and the world. by Lynne McTaggart. This book is listed on the Old Sudbury Bookstore in the paranormal section. It is a
sequel to The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe. by Lynne McTaggart also listed in The Old Sudbury Bookstore under Paranormal. It looks like a very
unique read indeed. Lynne McTaggart takes the reader to the edges of Science. She personally interviewed many cutting edge
physicists and scientists to try and get to the bottom of how human thought can actually influence the world around us. It
started early in the 1900s when the area of Quantum physics was born. Even Einstein had his reservations about quantum "God
does not play dice" and "...there can not be spooky action at a distance..." But Quantum Physics and the strange
implications just won't go away. When particles interact they are forever entangled through all time and space! What happens
to one particle affects the other. This is at the micro level however join Ms. McTaggart's search for scientists searching
for quantum effects at the real or macro level. Can our thoughts affect the real world itself! She thinks so and has setup
the largest intention experiment in history by using the web and inviting her readers yes you to take part. Visit www.theintentionexperiment.com for more details.
8:53 pm edt
Friday, April 4, 2008
"Live long and prosper"
I just completed the book You: Staying Young: The Owner's Manual for extending your warranty by Michael F. Roizen and Mehmet C. Oz. It was quite a book. After reading the acknowledgements
I can really begin to appreciate the amount of work and research that went into this book. I am glad I located this book and
added to the Health section on The Old Sudbury Bookstore (an associate store of Amazon.ca). I notice it is currently
on sale at $18.99 regularly $29.99. The book left me a little overwhelmed with information however I seem to be retaining
that knowledge and applying it everyday. Lifestyle is difficult to change and it is all to easy to conveniently forget how
to keep care of your health so a book like this that is effective is valuable indeed. Examples include how your dental health
is a good indicator of overall health, make wise choices about the foods you eat, early detection of disease is very important,
breathing properly can affect everything from general health to skin health, and green tea can be very beneficial.
1:24 pm edt
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